Communication Quickies!: The Commentary

Click on the cartoons for a better view. You can see the entire dozen in the Still Image/Pocket Joke Section, Page #28.

To get to 700 pocket joke cartoons faster, I decided to make these cellphone-text-themed cartoons to save myself more drawing time. Thanks to the convenience of Adobe Photoshop, I was able to finish creating these 12 cartoons faster! I could use the exact same background pattern for each one, instead of drawing a brand new background for each one; and that saved more time! On this Web page, you can see the 1st one, the last one, the 6th one & the 7th one! As you can see in each cartoon, the text messages show the characters' names in bold.


In the 1st Communication Quickie, Burger Food apologizes to the Brass Ladies for snatching away their snacks in the past. The only 2 Brass Ladies that appeared in this cartoon are Sabrina Pixie & Molly Pixie. He also tells them that he's a nutritionist & that he was just making sure that they eat a healthy diet.


In the 2nd Communication Quickie, Watergirl & Firegirl text each other about their unlikely friendship! Everybody knows that water douses fire!


In the 3rd Communication Quickie, Derek Cyannus Jr. the principal character wishes Burger a happy 50th birthday! However, Burger says that he doesn't like to celebrate his birthday too much because of the aging process & how it works.


In the 4th Communication Quickie, Mack Ah'Roni the Mouse mentions how human characters are drawn with only 4 fingers on each hand & 4 toes on each foot in other cartoon series! He also mentions that his hands have 4 fingers each, but his feet only have 3 toes each! Sally Brittany Martin(of the Photonese Martins) says that humans have 5 fingers on each hand & 5 toes on each foot, which is known to be true. Olivia Spider says that she has 8 5-toed feet, making a total of 40 toes!


In the 5th Communication Quickie, Lady Fingersandtoes & Patrick Pixelman have some consideration for any viewers who don't understand English. They also reveal that they're Hispanic & understand Spanish because it's in their programming. Then Lady mentions the Translator app on the iPhone that can help Non-English speakers understand the English text of the cartoon! Finally, Calvin Roxwell the Caveman appears & reveals that he can understand any language! (It's 1 of his superpowers!)


In the 6th Communication Quickie, Miss One First Digit & Miss Six Digit text about the orientation of the digits 6 & 9. They also mention how the number 666 scares some people since it's the Mark of the Beast. (More information about number-related fears can be found somewhere in the Math Section!) Miss 1 figures that these people must fear the number 999 also since an upside-down 6 is a 9! The 2 sisters then mention a few other numbers that are considered unlucky & Friday the 13th.


In the 7th Communication Quickie, Derek Cyannus Jr. tells his sister Devon Cyannus Jr. what a half-birthday is! His adopted uncle Den Tist then reveals that his half-birthday is Derek's birthday! You can see the date when the characters had this text conversation in Derek's 1st text balloon.


In the 8th Communication Quickie, Dr. John Von Foolish remembers that he can use his bubbles of power mimicry, which would have come in handy in the Comet Caper Saga! Brain also reveals that it was Pueblo the Destructive Alien who sent that comet to Photonis, even before the villain's 1st appearance in the cartoon series! Brain knows this since he read Pueblo's mind in an earlier cartoon.


In the 9th Communication Quickie, Alice Pleasance Liddell texts about the excessive killing of the card soldiers in Wonderland by the Queen of Hearts! Mad Hatter AKA Reginald Hatterson texts back, saying that the queen is crazy! They both wonder how they can get rid of the tyrant!


In the 10th Communication Quickie, Olivia Spider texts about the super stars from the Super Mario Brothers' video games that make them invincible! She comments how "star" spelled backwards is "rats"! Mack Ah'roni texts back & says how the Mario Brothers flash different colors & instantly defeat foes that touch them! This is the shortest cartoon of the dozen!


In the 11th Communication Quickie, Danielle & Michelle Lipstick text about weekdays. Danielle makes a joke, saying that the current day of the week feels later! Michelle also mentions the Sabbath & thinks it's cool to take both Saturdays & Sundays off work!


In the 12th Communication Quickie, (which is the final one) Dr. John Von Foolish tells Brain that Pueblo found a way around his planetary shield! Since Pueblo's intergalactic blasting machine can't penetrate the planetary shield, the evil alien found another way to continue his world destruction! You can read what Dr. John Von Foolish says in the cartoon to describe Pueblo's evil plan. It's a lot to read, but I'll give you a quick hint: Pueblo created a monster out of cancer! Dr. Foolish also explains why the force field couldn't block Pueblo's spaceship from landing on the planet. Brain decides that it was time to take down Pueblo & his legion of doom once & for all! After the text time-out, Brain tells how the supervillains were defeated & arrested! He wishes that you - the viewers - could see all of the action! (I originally wanted to draw this story out as a quick mini-comic strip, but sadly, my old PC suddenly stopped working during the summer of 2024. So, I couldn't draw out the story again. Instead, I had Brain tell the story by cellphone text in this cartoon!) Brain's fantasy pills actually cured the evil mindsets of the villains, except Pueblo, who is pure evil! Due to being pure evil, Pueblo decided to stay inside his dark fantasy forever! He can't be awakened! Dr. Foolish figured out that Brain's fantasy pills are a cure to evil itself! Plus, if pure evil villains take Brain's fantasy pills, then they'll stay asleep forever afterwards because they refuse to wake up from their dark fantasies! This completely nullifies any harm that they could cause if they were awake! Conclusively, Brain, Dr. Foolish & the rest of the Extraordinares succeeded in achieving intergalactic peace! However, Brain says that there might be tiny fragments of Pueblo's cancer monster remaining anywhere in the universe; although, he thinks they're all gone. But whenever they find a few more, they'll be ready to do some monster extermination!


Well, this final Communication Quickie is the longest for a reason! It gave my cartoon series, this cartoon series, a satisfying ending! And it's the ultimate ending since I retired from cartooning. You can read more information about my early retirement from cartooning in the Updates Section, at my WordPress account or at my DeviantArt account.

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© Derek Cumberbatch