How the Graph Dimension Works

If you were fascinated about the Graph Dimension from the Season 10 episode, here is the Web page that tells you all about how things change & what causes them to change in chambers, fields, etc. of the Graph Dimension!


First, Bar Graphs: Bar graphs are the simplest graph chambers of the dimension! Depending on the information they're based on, the bars can be raised or lowered depending on how many apples you have in a basket, or how many potato chips you ate within a day, etc. If the bar graph is about a time period, then after the period is over, all the bars in the chamber will reset back to zero! Sometimes, the ceiling of a bar chamber can be raised if a bar exceeds a certain maximum. When that bar is lowered back below the maximum, the ceiling will fall back to that maximum! Observe the animation below. Can you figure out the logic?

There are special types of bar graph chambers, like those that concentrate on the ones' digit of a number of times that a character pressed a button, or used a device, etc. If the character repeats the action up to 10 times, then the bar will reset back to zero! (Since there are only 10 digits)


Finally, some bar graph chambers have gravity scramblers that can change the direction of gravity in them. All a character has to do is hit the floating magic blocks or switches in the chamber to change the gravity. (Sometimes, the magic blocks & switches are outside of the chamber.)


Line Graphs: Line graphs require characters to be more acrobatic! The lines of most of these chambers are tightrope strings! A character that is talented enough can walk on them, but he/she will have to keep his/her body balanced like a ballerina so he/she won't fall off!


Some line graph chambers have skateboard-like vehicles that a character can ride; these chambers have thicker lines. Line graphs are based on gradual change, so a character in the home dimension will have to make the right gradual changes so a goal can be reached in these chambers. Since they're based on time periods, these chambers reset after the periods are over. Some line graph chambers have reset buttons or blocks that must be hit in order to reset them.


There are also line graph chambers with ski lifts that are more convenient than the skateboard-like vehicles, which can't ascend anymore if an angle at a data point is too steep. The image below can also be seen in the epic comic strip! Derek had to jump to a next board since this angle was too steep!

Pie/Donut Graphs: There is often more than one data pie in a pie graph chamber; magic blocks can be used to turn the pies into donuts. The pies(or donuts) roll down hills or on tracks, creating obstacles. Sometimes they can be rode on (or in if they're donuts). Some of these circular things even float on water or in the air via the antigravity element Cavorite. Floating data pies & donuts rotate in the air, as well; sometimes, magic blocks or buttons can be hit to stop the rotation temporarily.


The pieces of these data pies & donuts change size depending on the percentage information they're based on; a character in the home dimension may have to use several different colors of paint from a container, for example, to change the sizes of the percentage pieces of the pies(or donuts). Pie/donut graphs are more permanent & difficult to change.


The giant data pies & donuts can squish characters; however, magic blocks can be hit to make a percentage piece (usually the smallest one) intangible so that a character can try to fit into the space to prevent himself/herself from getting crushed! Sometimes, more than 1 piece of a pie(or donut) can be made intangible, but this often can't be done with the biggest piece. Observe the animation below. Can you figure out the logic?

Area Graphs: These are like line graph chambers except that they're more mountain-like! They tend to have less free space than line graph chambers.

Radar (Spider Web) Graphs: This is the only kind of graph that doesn't get its own chambers; however, these graphs can be jumped on & used like trampolines! They appear in various spots thru out the Graph Dimension.

This is what a spider web graph looks like. This one is based on Olivia Spider. Click on the image to see the data table.

There are 2 main species that live in the Graph Dimension: Publicrons are the friendly, intelligent citizens that are shaped like an exclamation point with 2 arms & 2 legs.


Secretoids are the antagonistic but quite stupid creatures that are shaped like a question mark with 4 very short legs.


Publicrons explain how specific places in their dimension work to give you advice; they might even take photographs of a graph chamber for you to keep, while secretoids will hinder you from your goals & attack you, especially if you somehow manage to get into a graph chamber with secret information! In the images below, 2 publicrons explain more about the secretoids. (These are panels from the epic comic strip entitled "Dottie Doll's Desire")

Graph chambers with secret information usually have their entrances & exits blocked off by electrical bob wires, although, they're not completely impossible to penetrate. Once secretoids see you in these chambers, they'll come after you, so beware! A secret is usually a fact about somebody or something that somebody doesn't want other people to know, and an easy way to break these barriers to these secret chambers is if that somebody decides not to keep his/her data secret anymore! How can a character see all that information in these chambers? Simple! There are floating signs that rotate around most chambers, and the text of the graphs can be seen by the character(s) inside a chamber if he/she/they look in the right place of the chamber; the text is usually on a wall near the floor, or at a corner, or at the entrance.

Temporal Difference: Time in the Graph Dimension is 5 times slower than in the home dimension of the memorable characters. In other words, 1 second in the Graph Dimension is equal to 5 seconds in the home dimension. However, time would still seem normal if you were in the Graph Dimension, but if you could see its events from outside the dimension, they would seem 5 times slower than normal! If you were there and you watched events in the home dimension, then they would seem 5 times faster!


In conclusion, the Graph Dimension is a wondrous place! The floating magic blocks can do all sorts of various, interesting things to the graph chambers, like transforming a line graph chamber into an area graph chamber! (Or vice versa) There are pentagonal rainbow gems & octagonal emeralds there for characters to collect & use! However, some chambers have special rules; for example, if a character is able to fly, then that character will be splashed with water to disable flight. In the image below, Sabrina Pixie tried to enter a bar graph chamber, so a magic bucket of water made her wings wet! (A fairy can't fly with wet wings.) These rules prevent missions in the graph chambers from being too easy, as some characters have special advantages over others.

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© Derek Cumberbatch