Letter Puns!
- Q: What letter of the alphabet is also an insect? A: B! (Bee)
- Q: What letter of the alphabet is also a body part? A: I! (Eye)
- Q: What letter of the alphabet is also a hot drink? A: T! (Tea)
- Q: What letter of the alphabet do you do in the bathroom? A: P! (Pee)
- Q: What letter of the alphabet is used as an interrogative? A: Y! (Why)
- Q: What is a pirate's favorite letter of the alphabet? A: R! (Arr!)
- Q: What letter of the alphabet do your eyes do? A: C! (See)
- Q: What letter of the alphabet is used as an interjection? A: G! (Gee!)
This 3-letter arrangement sounds just like a sentence: I.C.U. (I see you!)
Hope you enjoyed these jokes! And kids, remember to eat your P's! (Peas) Couldn't resist adding an extra joke!
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© Derek Cumberbatch