© Derek Cumberbatch
The earliest update is at the top of the page, the latest update is at the bottom.
1-2-2013: Still Image/Pocket Joke Page #10 is ready for viewing!
1-8-2013: Added 2 new ice queen jokes to "What Burger Says to Ice Queens"!
1-11-2013: Added a new Web page to the Extra Section: "Some Tips on How to Enjoy This Cartoon Series"! You can find it in the Commentary Subset.
1-14-2013: Added a new mini-animation to the Mini-Animations Page: "The Cartoonification of a Photograph!" Also, you can now see the number of bloopers on the Outrageous Outtakes Page!
1-18-2013: Comic Strip Page #10 is now full, so I created Comic Strip Page #11, but it's currently empty. Also added the new Episode List Section, but it's under construction.
1-23-2013: The Episode List Section is now ready for viewing, & so is Comic Strip Page #11!
2-14-2013: Added an image on the "Some Tips on How to Enjoy This Cartoon Series" Page. Again, you can find it in the Commentary Subset.
2-21-2013: I brightened the background pattern in the Extra Section to make the text easier to read since the regular-sized text appears very narrow in some Web browsers.
2-22-2013: I made the background pattern in the Still Image/Pocket Joke Section 48% brighter so the text will be easier to read. I also added 2 new bonus mini-comic strips in the Extra Section: "The Lame Ride" & "Baseball Boo-boo!"; of course you'll find them in the Bonus Mini-Comic Strip Subset.
3-2-2013: There are now at least 200 episodes in this cartoon series!
3-15-2013: Added another Web page with a data table: "Photonis Compared to the Terrestrial Planets of Our Solar System". There's a hyperlink to this new page in "More Information About Blueworld: the Planet Itself!" which you'll find under the World Information Subset in the Extra Section.
3-17-2013: A recent addition to the Web page about "Moral Confusion & the Morality Paradox": I added 2 more famous female characters to my "Morally Confused" list. (I wanted the list to have at least 4 antiheroines!) This Web page can be found in the Math Section.
3-26-2013: I made the background in the Comic Strips Section 47% brighter to make the text easier to read.
3-28-2013: I fixed it so that all the pattern backgrounds don't scroll with the text! All it took was a simple change in one of my CSS files! This should make all the text in the Web site much easier to read!
4-21-2013: You can now see a thumbnail preview of all of the mini-animations on the Mini-Animations Page. I also added another mini-animation: "Fiery Darts". You can now also see a thumbnail preview of all the episodes(animated or not) in the Comic Strip Section, Full-Length Animations Page, & the Outrageous Outtakes Page. P.S.: If you use Firefox, you won't be able to see the letters of the ordered lists on the pages of the Comic Strip Section.
4-27-2013: I added more information about deleted history from my rough drafts; 3 more deleted events have been added! I also converted the Deleted History Document in Microsoft Word format into a Web page for convenience. You can find it in the Story Information Subset in the Extra Section.
4-29-2013: I added more descriptions to each section that could use more description. I also brightened some of the pattern backgrounds some more, in fact, I changed the pattern background on the Index Page; I removed the rainbow stripes because they made some of the text more difficult to read. (Did you have any trouble with it? Either way, I hope you like the bright purplish area replacing the stripes.) I also added a link to my Career Path/Links Page on the Index Page since I'm using my site as a Web portfolio.
4-30-2013: I put a hyperlink to each season on the Episode List Page! Convenient, isn't it?
5-6-2013: I added another deleted event to the Deleted History Page; you can find it in the Story Information Subset in the Extra Section. I also added the D-Star logo of the cartoon series in the title on the Index Page. Now you can see 2 copies of the logo in the title! (1 on each side.)
5-9-2013: I fixed some of the subsection Web pages in the Math Section so the hyperlinks to the subsections look more organized than before.
5-10-2013: I added a new set of Web pages into the Math Section. These pages are about facts about specific numbers. There are 3 new pages in the Math Section in this set, but someday, there should be some more...
5-13-2013: I added another Web page into the Specific Number Subset in the Math Section: "Fears About Numbers"!
5-17-2013: I added 2 new puzzles to the Puzzles & Games Page: "Match the Broken Images With the Originals" & "The Length of 12 of the Brass Ladies' Feet"!
5-20-2013: I alphabetized all the mini-animations on the Mini-Animations Page & all the bloopers on the Outrageous Outtakes Page to make a specific animation easier to find. I also categorized all the puzzle games on the Puzzles & Games Page by year to make a puzzle game easier to find. I thought about how tough it would be to find an animation or puzzle game in these sections after I create so many, leaving them randomized like that. Plus, a new mini-animation has been added: "The Lipstick Sisters Play Leg-Catch!"
5-31-2013: I added a new feature to the Special Flash File Subset in the Extra Section about the Connecto Sapiens from "Inversion of the Sexes 2: Gender Bender Mender Galaxy"; it lets you see the sex inversion of the Connecto Sapiens animated! You can even read a bonus fact about gender!
6-14-2013: Remember the update I made on March 28th? I had to do it again; somehow, that CSS rule disappeared from that CSS file & I discovered that today! How embarrasing!
6-19-2013: Added a new puzzle game to the Puzzles & Games Page: "Movie Math 3"! Another sequel to "Movie Math: A Quiz of Animations!"
6-20-2013: I discovered a new trick for the Math Section: "The Formula for the Circumference of a Spiral"!
6-27-2013: Added a new blooper animation to the Outrageous Outtakes Page: "Mr. Fool's Stubborn Remote/Devon's Vanishing Cream Wears Off Too Soon/Skating Goldilocks" From "Trophy Trek"!
7-5-2013: I put a message on the Index Page below the hit counter. It tells you which Web browsers I recommend for seeing this Web site in.
7-17-2013: Added a new blooper animation to the Outrageous Outtakes Page: "Audible Interupptions" From "E.A.R.T.H."! Just 1 more episode left to upload in the series and then...
7-18-2013: The series finale had been uploaded! Its title: "Excellent Endings!" There won't be any more new pages in the Comic Strip Section, but each of the 11 pages has 15 comic strip episodes! (How perfect!) All 165 full-length comic strips are now available for viewing! I also uploaded 2 new bonus mini-comic strips into the Extra Section: "Which Girl is Which?" & "William Tell in a Restaurant"! Of course you can find them in the Bonus Mini-Comic Strip Subset.
7-27-2013: Added a new puzzle game to the Puzzles & Games Page: "Miss One's Cross-Number Puzzle"! See the numerical verison of the crossword puzzle!
8-10-2013: I doubled the time limit of the mini-animations on the Mini-Animations Page from 15 seconds to 30 seconds since I concluded the cartoon series & won't be adding any more episodes to the Episode List. 15 seconds just isn't enough anymore, so some future mini-animations will be at most half a minute long. That means more time to enjoy the characters' antics; I guarantee it! Also, thanks for 9,000 hits!
8-12-2013: Added a new mini-animation to the Mini-Animations Page: "Thanks For 9,000 hits!"
8-19-2013: Added a new Web page in the Math Section: "Dollar Denomination"!
9-6-2013: Added a commentary about an animated episode for the 1st time ever! You can find the Web page with the commentary about "Archy's Podophobia or I'll Be A Monkey's Aunt" in the Commentary Subset of the Extra Section.
9-8-2013: Added a new mini-animation to the Mini-Animations Page: "Derek & the Goblinoid Army"!
9-12-2013: Added a new mini-animation to the Mini-Animations Page: "Dottie Doll Petting & Stepping On A Magic Button With Her Prehensile Foot"! Also, I counted how many perfect time loops there are on that page; I just added Perfect Time Loop #19!
9-28-2013: Added a new Web page to the Math Section: "Calendar Logic"!
10-18-2013: I discovered a new trick for the Math Section: "Unit Fraction Uniqueness"!
10-20-2013: A recent addition to the Web page about "Moral Confusion & the Morality Paradox": I added 2 more famous characters to my "Morally Confused" list, 1 male, 1 female. This Web page can be found in the Math Section.
10-24-2013: Added a new Web page to the Extra Section: "More Information About Fast-Grow Potion & Shrinking Salt". Learn about the limits of the characters' size-changing with these 2 special items! You can find it in the Character Information Subset.
11-8-2013: Added a new, special animation to the Greeting Cards Page! Danielle Lipstick shows you how to fold the greeting cards! I also had to update a hyperlink on the Career Path/Links Page.
11-27-2013: Added 2 new greeting cards to the Greeting Cards Page: "What Do Thanksgiving & Valentine's Day Have In Common?" & "Villains On Santa's 'Naughty' List"!
12-6-2013: Added a new puzzle game to the Puzzles & Games Page: "Musical Logic 3: the 12 Days of Christmas", plus 2 new links on the Career Path/Links Page to www.chrishartbooks.com & www.public-domainimages.com!
12-16-2013: Added a new mini-animation to the Mini-Animations Page: "Cactus Crushing Patience"! Also added another puzzle game to the Puzzles & Games Page: "Movie Math 4"!
12-19-2013: Added a new puzzle game to the Puzzles & Games Page: "The Lipstick Sister's Pedal Sequence Matching Mash"! Also, added hyperlinks to each page in the Still Image/Pocket Joke Section which take you to the top, bottom, or middle of the page. (The newest page in this section won't have these hyperlinks unless there are at least 11 cartoons on it; the middle is shifted to the average image number rounded down.)
12-23-2013: Added 2 more commentaries to the Commentary Subset of the Extra Section; 1 for "Inversion of the Sexes 2: Gender Bender Mender Galaxy" & 1 for "Banana Bash 2" & its corresponding blooper: "Danielle's Prehensile Foot Dance"!
12-29-2013: Added a new Web page to the Math Section about "Degrees, Radians, & Polygons"!