© Derek Cumberbatch
The earliest update is at the top of the page, the latest update is at the bottom.
1-7-2024: Discovered another math trick for the Math Section: "2 Quick Multiplication Methods!"
1-16-2024: Added another greeting card for birthdays on the Greeting Cards Page: "Tweedle-Dee & Tweedle-Dum Celebrate Their Birthday"! It's for those who share the same birthday! Also, "Sabrina Pixie & the Regenerating Hot Dog" is now available in QuickTime format! However, the Non-Flash version is silent.
2-23-2024: Discovered another fact about complex numbers, or more specifically, the square roots of pure imaginary numbers! I posted it in the Math Section of course! You can find it in the Quarter of Bonus Facts; the newest one is always at the bottom of the quarter-section.
3-7-2024: Uploaded a new mini-animation onto the Mini-Animations Page: "Mandelle's Paper Power"! It's Perfect Time Loop #57! It's even available in QuickTime format!
3-17-2024: Still Image/Pocket Joke Page #27 is finally full with 25 pocket joke cartoons! Page #28 will be created sometime later this year. For now, I'll take a break from this section until I'm ready to make another pocket joke cartoon. In the meantime, you'll have a total of 675 cartoons to enjoy there!
4-12-2024: Discovered another math trick for the Math Section: "Square Root Squabble 3"!
4-14-2024: Still Image/Pocket Joke Page #28 has been uploaded, however, it's still under construction.
4-22-2024: Still Image/Pocket Joke Page #28 is ready for viewing!
5-7-2024: Uploaded a new mini-animation onto the Mini-Animations Page: "Cinderelle Lipstick's Mopping Slippers"! It's Perfect Time Loop #58! It's even available in QuickTime format!
5-20-2024: Added a new puzzle game to the Puzzles & Games Page: "Alphabetizing the Months of the Year Starring Quentin Clockwise"!
5-23-2024: Discovered another math trick for the Math Section: "Powerful Patterns 6: Dividing Specific Numbers by 3"
7-5-2024: Uploaded a new mini-animation onto the Mini-Animations Page: "Danielle Lipstick & the Teddy Bear: The Extreme Close-Up of Her Foot!" It's Perfect Time Loop #59! It's even available in QuickTime format!
8-17-2024: Discovered another fact about the Law of the Cosines! Something quite interesting happens when the angle C is equal to 360 degrees! I posted it in the Math Section of course! You can find it in the Quarter of Bonus Facts; the newest one is always at the bottom of the quarter-section.
8-30-2024: Added a new puzzle game to the Puzzles & Games Page: "Derek C. Jr.'s Freaky Flag!" Also discovered another math trick: "Delight Division 5: Quick Quartering!"
9-5-2024: Still Image/Pocket Joke Page #28 is finally full with 25 cartoons! Now the Still Image/Pocket Joke Section finally has 700 cartoons! Now that I have finally created 700 pocket joke cartoons, I'm doing something that I thought that I would never do: I'm retiring from cartooning at this not-so-old age because things have dramatically changed since I started drawing in the year 1985. It's a long story, but these unexpected dramatic changes in my life have made it extremely difficult for me to continue cartooning any longer. However, now that I have finally created my 700th pocket joke cartoon, I'm satisfied with how many cartoons that I have created.
Furthermore, I never had any luck getting my cartoons syndicated. I thought that my cartoons would make it to television by now when I was a kid, but perhaps they were never meant to be on television; so, I'll just be satisfied with them being on the Internet. I have done as much as I could on my own without support from a syndicate or a publishing company or even a hired team. I didn't get to draw out every single idea that I thought of, but you can't draw them all! Besides, not every idea is a good idea.
There are lots of rough drafts that I've made, but it would be too much trouble to beautify & improve them all for publishing. It would also take way too much time. Besides, life's too short to draw the exact same images over & over again. An artist NEVER draws the exact same image twice!
In conclusion, I have learned thru the years that you have to be realistic about your dream goals. Speaking of dreams, as I retire from cartooning, I'll be following my backup dream in data entry & numerology. Plus, the only section in the Blueworld Cartoons Website that will be updated from now on will be the Math Section to upload any new math tricks or facts that I discover. And yes, you'll still see my characters appear in that section to explain the math tricks! It was still fun to draw all these wonderful cartoons of mine thru the years, but I have no choice but to adjust to these unexpected dramatic changes in my life. Also, because of the sudden untimely death of my wonderful sister in January 2023, it hasn't been as much fun without her around to view my cartoons. (God rest her lovely soul) Thanks for viewing my cartoons, folks, but these tough changes have forced me to retire from cartooning quite early. This is the end.
9-26-2024: Discovered another math trick for the Math Section: "Complex Number Kookiness 7"!
9-27-2024: I put a math trick counter in the Math Section due to the Roman numerals of the ordered list NOT appearing neatly in some Web browsers! (For example, Safari & Chrome)
11-1-2024: I uploaded 1 last commentary for the Extra Section! It's about all 12 Communication Quickies! You can find it the Commentary Subset of the Extra Section, of course. And this will be the very last time that the Extra Section gets updated.
11-12-2024: I added another Web page to the Math Section: "13 & the Probability of Picking Playing Cards"! You can find it in the 3rd quarter of the Math Section: Pages About Specific Numbers.