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© Derek Cumberbatch

The earliest update is at the top of the page, the latest update is at the bottom.

Previous Year [This is the latest year]


1-7-2024: Discovered another math trick for the Math Section: "2 Quick Multiplication Methods!"

1-16-2024: Added another greeting card for birthdays on the Greeting Cards Page: "Tweedle-Dee & Tweedle-Dum Celebrate Their Birthday"! It's for those who share the same birthday! Also, "Sabrina Pixie & the Regenerating Hot Dog" is now available in QuickTime format! However, the Non-Flash version is silent.

2-23-2024: Discovered another fact about complex numbers, or more specifically, the square roots of pure imaginary numbers! I posted it in the Math Section of course! You can find it in the Quarter of Bonus Facts; the newest one is always at the bottom of the quarter-section.

3-7-2024: Uploaded a new mini-animation onto the Mini-Animations Page: "Mandelle's Paper Power"! It's Perfect Time Loop #57! It's even available in QuickTime format!

3-17-2024: Still Image/Pocket Joke Page #27 is finally full with 25 pocket joke cartoons! Page #28 will be created sometime later this year. For now, I'll take a break from this section until I'm ready to make another pocket joke cartoon. In the meantime, you'll have a total of 675 cartoons to enjoy there!

4-12-2024: Discovered another math trick for the Math Section: "Square Root Squabble 3"!

4-14-2024: Still Image/Pocket Joke Page #28 has been uploaded, however, it's still under construction.

4-22-2024: Still Image/Pocket Joke Page #28 is ready for viewing!

5-7-2024: Uploaded a new mini-animation onto the Mini-Animations Page: "Cinderelle Lipstick's Mopping Slippers"! It's Perfect Time Loop #58! It's even available in QuickTime format!

5-20-2024: Added a new puzzle game to the Puzzles & Games Page: "Alphabetizing the Months of the Year Starring Quentin Clockwise"!

5-23-2024: Discovered another math trick for the Math Section: "Powerful Patterns 6: Dividing Specific Numbers by 3"

7-5-2024: Uploaded a new mini-animation onto the Mini-Animations Page: "Danielle Lipstick & the Teddy Bear: The Extreme Close-Up of Her Foot!" It's Perfect Time Loop #59! It's even available in QuickTime format!

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