The 6 Annie Sisters' Race

Difficulty: Hard

The 6 Annie Sisters had a race. One of them won it of course, but Jerry and Berry can't tell which girl won. They are sextuplets! Brain knows who won, and who was 2nd, 3rd, and so on. Here are his clues:

  1. The name of the girl in 1st place does not start with the letter "Q".
  2. The name of the girl in 1st place has at least 1 "S".
  3. The girls in 1st place and 2nd place have royal names.
  4. The name of the girl in 4th place has an "S".
  5. The name of the girl in 6th place has an "A".
  6. The name of the girl in 4th place does not start with the letter "A".
  7. The name of the girl in 3rd place does not have a "Q".
  8. The name of the girl in 5th place has at least 1 "N".

Question: Who came in 1st place? 2nd? 3rd? 4th? 5th? 6th and last?

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