In the image above, the faces of 24 selected characters in this cartoon series appear by their initials, which are printed in red. If the character's face is to the left of the initial, then you must print that character's 1st name across. If the character's face is above the initial, then you must print that character's 1st name down. Do you know their 1st names? Hopefully, you have already seen enough of my cartoons to remember their names, but just in case, I included their initials as a hint to make this puzzle easier. The goal is to print the 1st names of all 24 characters; 1 letter per white square, of course!
By the way, there are 19 rows & 19 columns, making a total of 361 squares! However, you only need to print in the white ones!
Give up? Click here for the answer!
© Derek Cumberbatch