Mr. Eleven Primen, Distant Member of the Digit Family
12 × 101 = 1,212
25 × 101 = 2,525
36 × 101 = 3,636
47 × 101 = 4,747
59 × 101 = 5,959
123 × 1,001 = 123,123
279 × 1,001 = 279,279
380 × 1,001 = 380,380
456 × 1,001 = 456,456
517 × 1,001 = 517,517
1,849 × 10,001 = 18,491,849
2,084 × 10,001 = 20,842,084
3692 × 10,001 = 36,923,692
The more digits the multiplicand has, the more zeroes you must put in the "number sandwich". (Consider the 1's the bread slices) The number sandwich, as I called it, is the multiplier. By multiplying correctly, you get these special products which make it look like you cloned all the digits in the multiplicand! But how many zeroes should you put between the 1's? Simple! [The number of digits the multiplicand has] - 1 = [The number of zeroes you should put in the multiplying number sandwich!]
x - 1 = y
x = The number of digits the multiplicand has
y = The number of zeroes you should put in the multiplying number sandwich!
10x + 1 = y
The variable y IS the number sandwich in this function. All of the number sandwiches above are equal to 1 + a power of 10.
If you multiply by the correct number sandwich, you'll clone all of the multiplicand's digits, which you'll get in the product! The digits are cloned just like how Pixelman & Lady Fingersandtoes cloned themselves by drinking Multi-Milk in the cartoon above!
But beware, because if the number sandwich doesn't have enough zeroes, something like this will happen:
144 × 101 = 14,544
If it has too many zeroes, something like this will happen:
144 × 100,001 = 14,400,144
54 × 10,101 = 545,454
216 × 1,001,001,001 = 216,216,216,216
78 × 101,010,101 = 7,878,787,878
Something like this will happen:
27 × 484 = 13,068
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© Derek Cumberbatch