The Answer to Flipping Digits Puzzle

Exercise #1:

Turn 999 into 999,666 in 2 moves.

  1. 999 + 999,000 = 999,999
  2. 999,999 - 333 = 999,666

Exercise #2:

Turn 6,969 into 9,696 in 2 moves.

  1. 6,969 - 303 = 6,666
  2. 6,666 + 3,030 = 9,696

Exercise #3:

Turn 99,999 into 66,966 in 1 move.

  1. 99,999 - 33,033 = 66,966

Exercise #4:

Turn 999,666,999 into 96,969 in 3 moves.

  1. 999,666,999 - 999,600,000 = 66,999
  2. 66,999 - 30,000 = 96,999
  3. 96,999 - 30 = 96,969

Exercise #5:

Turn 699,996 into 966,669 in 2 moves.

  1. 699,996 + 300,003 = 999,999
  2. 999,999 - 33,330 = 966,669

Exercise #6:

Turn 666,969,999 into 66,999 in 1 move.

  1. 666,969,999 - 666,903,000 = 66,999

Exercise #7:

Turn 999,999 into 969,999,696 in 2 moves.

  1. 999,999 + 969,000,000 = 969,999,999
  2. 969,999,999 - 303 = 969,999,696

P.S.: There may be another way to solve some of these exercises, but here are the ones I recommend!

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© Derek Cumberbatch