Michelle Lipstick's Time-Reversal Tie-Up!

Difficulty: Very Hard!

In the animations below, Michelle plays with her rubber ducky, moving her feet in several different ways! The left column(A) & right column(B) each have 8 animations, but the columns have a reversed version of an animation in the other column.

Observe Michelle's feet & rubber ducky closely in each animation. Which animations are reversed versions of each other?

Movie Column AMovie Column B

Movie Row 1If you can't see this animation on your Web browser, then click here to download it so you can still play this puzzle game!If you can't see this animation on your Web browser, then click here to download it so you can still play this puzzle game!
Movie Row 2 If you can't see this animation on your Web browser, then click here to download it so you can still play this puzzle game!If you can't see this animation on your Web browser, then click here to download it so you can still play this puzzle game!
Movie Row 3 If you can't see this animation on your Web browser, then click here to download it so you can still play this puzzle game!If you can't see this animation on your Web browser, then click here to download it so you can still play this puzzle game!
Movie Row 4 If you can't see this animation on your Web browser, then click here to download it so you can still play this puzzle game!If you can't see this animation on your Web browser, then click here to download it so you can still play this puzzle game!
Movie Row 5 If you can't see this animation on your Web browser, then click here to download it so you can still play this puzzle game!If you can't see this animation on your Web browser, then click here to download it so you can still play this puzzle game!
Movie Row 6 If you can't see this animation on your Web browser, then click here to download it so you can still play this puzzle game!If you can't see this animation on your Web browser, then click here to download it so you can still play this puzzle game!
Movie Row 7 If you can't see this animation on your Web browser, then click here to download it so you can still play this puzzle game!If you can't see this animation on your Web browser, then click here to download it so you can still play this puzzle game!
Movie Row 8 If you can't see this animation on your Web browser, then click here to download it so you can still play this puzzle game!If you can't see this animation on your Web browser, then click here to download it so you can still play this puzzle game!

Note: Some of these animations of Michelle & her rubber ducky were used in an older puzzle game: "Which Movies Are Yo-Yos? II", which was made in 2010.

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© Derek Cumberbatch