Month Measurement

Not all months are the exact same size since months of the year have different numbers of days. The shortest month of the year is February; it gets an extra day on leap years. 7 months (January, March, May, July, August, October, & December) tie for 1st place as the longest! Any month unmentioned on this page is in an 8th place tie.

Below is a list of how many days equal a certain type of month:

28 days = 1 short February

29 days = 1 long February

29½ days = 1 average month

30 days = 1 calendar month

31 days = 1 long month

Yep, you guessed it! 29½ is the average of this list: {28, 29, 30, 31}, which is how many days each month of the year is likely to have. By the way, the sum of the 4 figures is 118. Also, notice that a short February is exactly equal to 4 weeks!

Isn't this fact quite interesting?

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© Derek Cumberbatch