The Answer to Musical Logic 5: Foot-Tapping Formula

The tempo of the music is 120 beats per minute, & the tune is 58 seconds long. Therefore, Dottie does 120 foot taps per minute; however, 1 minute = 60 seconds, which means Dottie does 2 foot taps per second. Since the tune is 58 seconds long, she does a total of 116 foot taps when the tune's over!

Also, 58 seconds is 29/30 of a minute; multiplying the fraction by 120 beats per minute gives you the same correct answer!

Notice how exactly 4 seconds pass by when Dottie taps her feet 8 times(4 taps in a row per foot) at 2 foot taps per second. 1 second passes for each even-numbered foot tap!

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© Derek Cumberbatch