The Names of Numbers in Math Problems

The variable A will represent the 1st number, B will represent the 2nd number & C will represent the 3rd number, which is the correct answer to the math problem.


A + B = C

Both A & B are the addends & C is the sum or total.


A - B = C

A is the minuend, B is the subtrahend & C is the difference.


A × B = C

A is the multiplicand, B is the multiplier & C is the product.


A ÷ B = C

A is the dividend or numerator, B is the divisor or denominator & C is the quotient or fraction. (C is especially called a fraction if it isn't an integer!)

Note: If A is not evenly divisible by B, then there will also be a 4th number called the remainer!


A^B = AB = C

A is the base, B is the exponent & C is the power.

Note: When B is equal to a non-integer, consider radicals! Why? Because raising a number to the power of a non-integer, like ½, is the same as calculating the square root! It depends on what the numerator is or what the denominator is...

Okay, I'll give you a little hint about it:

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© Derek Cumberbatch