Burger is about to throw a heavy bean at the 6 Annie Sisters!
Candy walks on a high wire tightrope, she uses the stick for balance. Brain is there to catch her in case she falls.
Burger is a character with woman trouble; he has problems getting along with women. However, he is on the side of justice, but his reputation isn't so good.
This is the image that was used as a thumbnail for the animation "Trophy Trek" at sito.org.
Candy was picking weeds with her toes to collect all the carrots in the garden, but it looks like she picked up a firecracker that's about to explode!
Olivia Spider & Spidy Archind are baking a cake together. But have you noticed that Olivia is stiring the batter with her 2 front feet?(She has no hands, but 8 feet!) At least her feet aren't touching the batter, so no one should get sick! Thankfully, she's holding a spoon between her toes.
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© Derek Cumberbatch