Well, this is the final & longest Alice in Wonderland Blooper I made. I was hoping I could leave space for other images in this section by putting these mini-comics in the Extra Section, but that plan didn't work out. When Plan A doesn't work, move on to Plan B.(See the Updates for more details.)
On the week I drew this picture in my diary, my zip disks got corrupted and I almost lost all my cartoon files. I drew this picture to describe how long I've been waiting for a syndicate to support and sponsor my material. My principal character Derek C. Jr. the blue monkey-man is holding up a sign while lying on the floor. (Check out what it says.) The White Rabbit from Wonderland is looking at his watch to emphasize the wait. The little red guy is Archy Ant; notice the disgusted expression on his face. Molly Pixie the brunette fairy has her eyes rolled. The sexy lady with honey-colored hair is Danielle Lipstick; she's leaning against a wall with her arms and legs crossed, and she's tapping her left foot. Does this picture give you an idea about how long my characters and I have been waiting for recognition?
Here is the "Blueworld Adventures" version of Mount Rushmore! These are the heads of the Staring Trio & Main Co-Star Dr. Foolish!
Kooshy is the purple guy in the photograph.
Actually this picture is old, and is a sequel to "Campground". I finally decided to post it here since I was able to fix Candy & Fudge's fashion boots & feet after all.(Thanks to Photoshop!) I know the girls' torsoes look a bit rectangular, but now I know how to draw girls & women so their bodies look feminine enough. (Notice that the female human characters have oval-shaped torsoes in the newer cartoons!) Anyway, here it is.
This cartoon image has a point about how we make moral discussions. The battle between good and evil does go on in our minds all the time. There are all sorts of temptations that make the wrong choices seem right sometimes, but in the end, good usually triumphs over evil.
This image shows Derek C. Jr. doing 6 different actions: Jumping, Riding a surfboard, Wall-Jumping, Demostrating his Oxygen Blast, Juggling, & Trying to lift a 500-Earth pound barbell. The fully opaque one with the shadow is the real Derek C. Jr.
The top 3 panels are from the Season 4 episode:"Hilary's Bad Day", and the 3 in the middle are from the Season 7 episode: "Crowded!".
Sally, Danielle, & Michelle have picked a bunch of these flowers at Dollar City Park to smell; but Yorkie AKA School Box Man is pointing to the sign that the girls failed to notice. Check out what it says. Uh oh! Looks like they'll be in big trouble!
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© Derek Cumberbatch