Which Movies Are Yo-yos?
Difficulty: Very Easy
You know that a yo-yo is a round toy with a string that rolls back to your hand if it's tied on your finger, right? Well a movie that looks exactly the same whether it's played forward or backward is also called a yo-yo!(starting from the 1st or last frame respectively) However, the first frame of the time loop doesn't always have to be Frame #1; it could be Frame #33. Any frame can be the time loop's reset point.
The following 8 movies are perfect time loops of Goldilocks playing with Archy Ant with her feet. But can you guess which movies are yo-yos, and how many yo-yos there are? Here's a quick tip: Try imagining the movies in reverse time.
Movie #1
If you can't see this animation on your Web browser, then click here to download it so you can still play this puzzle game!
Movie #2
If you can't see this animation on your Web browser, then click here to download it so you can still play this puzzle game!
Movie #3
If you can't see this animation on your Web browser, then click here to download it so you can still play this puzzle game!
Movie #4
If you can't see this animation on your Web browser, then click here to download it so you can still play this puzzle game!
Movie #5
If you can't see this animation on your Web browser, then click here to download it so you can still play this puzzle game!
Movie #6
If you can't see this animation on your Web browser, then click here to download it so you can still play this puzzle game!
Movie #7
If you can't see this animation on your Web browser, then click here to download it so you can still play this puzzle game!
Movie #8
If you can't see this animation on your Web browser, then click here to download it so you can still play this puzzle game!
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